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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/01/08
Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
52, Том: 7,
Страницы в выпуске: 4-7
Анотация: This article examines the modification of the scenography of the costume since the origin of the founder of the Kazakh cinema, film Director, actor Shaken Kenzhetavicha Aimanov, new forms found in connection with the space of new research and historical events, and their successful use. As you know, the scenography of the national costume is focused not only on cinema, but also on theoretical materials. The set design of the costume has a special place in the history of cinema. The scenography of the costume is the basic meaning and significance of every historical or contemporary cinema event, in terms of time and space. The first part of the article talks about the relevance and relevance of the laws of costume composition and modeling methods, to reveal the meaning of each garment. In the second part of the article the works realized in the history of the Kazakh cinema with the direct participation of the scenography of the costume, such as the Soviet, the years of independence and the new period, are considered. Each film reveals the place and value of costumes on screen.
Ключевые слова:
set design
costume national
Kazakh cinema
theory suit
theory of cinema
an artist costume
an artist costume
Данные для цитирования:
Zhanguzhinova М.Е. ,
Assanova А.К. ,
MODIFICATION OF SCENOGRAPHY OF THE NATIONAL COSTUME OF KAZAKH CINEMA (4-7). Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Искусствоведение. 2020/01/08;