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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/02/17
Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
53, Том: 1,
Страницы в выпуске: 23-28
Анотация: The article focuses on functional activities of the national medical services market participants in Ukraine, which is an element in the mechanism of public administration of healthcare sector. Four principal levels of participants are singled out: entities that execute public regulation and outline strategies for the sector’s development; entities that perform administration, supervision, and control; entities that are service contractors or providers; entities that are service recipients (patients). Development of the medical services market in Ukraine resulted in emergence of medical entities that are service producers and simultaneously, of autonomous municipal non-profit enterprises. Entities ensuring financial support to medical services provision in reformation conditions are medical institutions, National Health Service of Ukraine, insurance companies, and charitable foundations.
The article determines local-level control and administration entities: entities controlling a medical institution’s operations (supervisory and monitoring boards which will include representatives of the medical institution, local self-governance bodies); charitable foundations and organizations, insurance companies, international companies and organizations working in the field of medical services and modernization of medicine administration systems. It is ascertained that in Ukraine, an electronic healthcare system is being formed, which leads to formation of market interconnection mechanisms and relations of the following principal participants in the medical sector: private medical institutions; telemedicine entities; insurance agents and companies; pharmacies; diagnostic laboratories; private hospitals; academic medical centers, etc.
Ключевые слова:
medical services
affordability of medical services
public regulation entities
entities - medical service recipients
medical service contractors
Данные для цитирования:
Barzylovych A. D. ,
NATIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES MARKET PARTICIPANTS IN UKRAINE (23-28). Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Медицинские науки. 2020/02/17;