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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2019/10/11
Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
49, Том: 5,
Страницы в выпуске: 41-43
Автор: Saodat Fathullaevna Ubaуdullaeva
, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, candidate of political sciences
, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, candidate of political sciences
Анотация: The article considers the relevance of the study of regional security, as the basis for the stability and prosperity of the country. Studied foreign experience. The author also paid attention to the relations and cooperation of Uzbekistan with the countries of Central Asia.
Ключевые слова:
Данные для цитирования:
Saodat Fathullaevna Ubaуdullaeva ,
BILATERAL RELATIONS OF UZBEKISTAN WITH THE COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL ASIA (41-43). Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Политические науки. 2019/10/11;