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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/10/12
Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
61, Том: 3,
Страницы в выпуске: 39-41
Автор: Ergasheva Zuhra Lutfillakhanovna
, University of Uzbekistan , 2st year Master's Degree Student of Journalism and Mass Communications
, University of Uzbekistan , 2st year Master's Degree Student of Journalism and Mass Communications
Анотация: The ability of politicians to communicate is important for establishing relations between the state and society. Especially in today's developed media world, the extreme speed of information exchange poses many challenges for politicians. The article deals with speechwriters in the field of speech policy, the emergence, formation and development of this activity. This article can also provide information on the importance of speechwriters in the political arena around the world.
Ключевые слова:
political leader
public speaking
politician image
politician image
Данные для цитирования:
Ergasheva Zuhra Lutfillakhanovna ,
SPEECHWRITER AND ITS ROLE IN POLITICAL MANAGEMENT (39-41). Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Политические науки. 2020/10/12;