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Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
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Автор: Chochaev A.Kh
FGBNU Soil Institute named after V.V Dokuchaev, Moscow, Russia
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Анотация: Annotation. This article analyzes the complex problems of development of Russian forest complex,
involving social, environmental and infrastructure issues, the solution of which is impossible without the state
Considered causes of poor adaptation of the market economy of the forest complex to the long period of
development, as well as the environmental impact of economic activities, including environmental pollution,
depletion of natural resourcesto, loss of biodiversity, harmful to human health.
It is shown that the compensation of environmental damage by cash payments or fines is not an effective way
to solve the environmental problems of the market economy of Russian forest complexand.
Analysis features market economy wood complex formed at domestic and foreign examples, a serious
disadvantage is the isolation process on the selected ROI directions economic development that can lead to the
loss of forest biosphere properties.
Forest rejuvenation thus leads to a reduction or even loss of Biosphere of forests to regulate surface runoff of
precipitation and the formation of groundwater water.
It is concluded that the market economy in the forestry complex of Russia must be accompanied by a system
of state regulation measures, especially in solving strategic problems inherent in forestry and the whole forest
complex when you need to plan for 20-50-100 years.
Identified the need for the creation centralized system of long-term planning development of the forest sector
of Russia, taking into account the experience of the former Soviet Union and modern 20-30 year development
plans in the European Union and the United States aimed at developing Oil and Gas alternative energy sources,
including wood biofuel.
Identified necessity creation of a national information system for tracking the status of the internal and
external markets of the Russian Federation timber
It is shown that in the lesah the European part of Russia have accumulated large reserves nizkotovarnoy
softwood and hardwood, which has no demand for a variety of reasons.
It is shown that to be involved in the use of the timber is only necessary to change the principles of calculation
one year of use, and in fact to re-develop the regulatory framework of intermediate use of the Russian Federation
forest wood resources.allocated four block forest management in a market economy, the forestry complex: (1)
gosuDonated forest management and implementation of medium-term and long-term planning of all types of work
in the forests, taking into account the materials state forest inventory and assessment of the status and trends of
development of the internal and external markets of forest products, (2) safety and protection of forests from fires
and other adverse environmental factors (insects, fungi, pollution), (3) the implementation of planned logging with
a differentiated use of all types of wood, and (4) organizing and conducting reforestation taking into account the
diversity of growing conditions and land use possibilities State Forest Fund of Russia.
It has been shown that the development of forest resources without public funding the construction of
transport, housing and social infrastructure, It has no commercial benefit for the enterprises of the forest complex.
The existence of worldwide problem to find a balance between participation in the economic development of
the state and to minimize its impact on private enterprise the use of the private sector, the state of forest resources.
In Russia This problem still has not found the optimal solution.
It is advisable to create economic incentives to develop mechanisms all enterprises and institutions Russian
forest complex transition to new environmentally sound technology works in the forest, including a flexible
economic mechanism of inclusion in the cost of timber harvested costs forest management for the restoration of
the environmental, economic, social and cultural characteristics of forests. Reasonable and quite realistic creation
of standard models of forest management, recommended for specific forest areas, taking as an example the system
format of forestry standards in Canada and the Scandinavian countries.
Ключевые слова:
Keywords: economy of the forest sector, forestry, choice of a technological model of development of the forest
sector, novoe direction of the forest economy, forest assets, the value of all types of work for the protection and
Данные для цитирования:
Chochaev A.Kh
FGBNU Soil Institute named after V.V Dokuchaev, Moscow, Russia
INEVITABLE TRANSFORMATION OF FOREST ECONOMICS. Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Сельскохозяйственные науки. ;