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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/01/08
Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
52, Том: 3,
Страницы в выпуске: 16-22
Автор: Barash Raisa Eduardovna
Moscow, Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS , Cand.Sci.(Pol.Sci.)
Moscow, Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS , Cand.Sci.(Pol.Sci.)
Анотация: The authors judge upon the place, functions and prospects of the scientists’ protest, interpreting it as a part of the communicative macro system. In order to fulfil the research goal and to illustrate the analytical theses the authors apply to the systemic communicative methodology as a scientific toolkit to analyze a real theoretical problem and thereby to legitimizes the importance of the new communicative system of social protest.
Applying to the idea that very discourse of true knowledge of the world is often served as the absolute value of scientific discourse, the authors note that the value of such a “true perception” is used to be considered as the orienting model of behavior and communication as for the scientists as for other "less advanced" social communities. In such a context the politicians if seeking the independent authoritative judgments about the external world used to apply to a dedicated cohort of observers (i.e. to the scientific community), who are disinterested in the competitive struggle. In their turn the scientists apply to the external world either to confirm the accuracy of their own judgments or to guarantees the democratic structure of society itself. Thus the observational perspective of the scientists combines the collectiveness and consensus with truth.
So, as it is postulated in the article, the external world requires a detailed prescription of verification and justification, and the expert communities, universities and academies used to restore the principles of social control. Stressing that the scientific/academic communication combines both cognitive (impartial observation) and normative (value production) dimension of science the authors resume that scientific communication can qualify for the status of an emerging communicative macrosystem. The authors argue that the protest movement in science could be considered as a practical resolution of the Merton – Popper paradox offering as the best samples of social order as the possibility to be the best observer of cognition.
Ключевые слова:
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Science
Данные для цитирования:
Barash Raisa Eduardovna ,
Antonovskiy Alexander Yurevich ,
CIVIL IDENTITY OF THE RUSSIA’A SCIENTISTS’ UNDER THE CONTEMPORARY CONTEXT (16-22). Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Социологические науки. 2020/01/08;