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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/03/16
Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
54, Том: 5,
Страницы в выпуске: 4-16
Автор: Shuklin G.
Kyiv, State University of Telecommunications, сandidate a degree Engineering Sciences
Kyiv, State University of Telecommunications, сandidate a degree Engineering Sciences
Анотация: In the process of detecting and recognizing a digital radio signal, a topical issue is increasing noise immunity. The features of the use of low frequency filters with quadratic and linear response dependence on the input signal are investigated in the article. It is shown that the principle of operation of filters is that the summation process is performed. In this case, the useful signal is summed up coherently and the interference signal is incoherent, ie, the useful signal increases and the interference signal decreases.
When acting on the input of linear and quadratic filters of rectangular pulse, which simulates the signals of modern digital means, the necessary parameters for further use of the input and output signals are determined: mathematical expectation, correlation coefficient, variance, root mean square deviation, ratio of signals to noise in temporal and spectral form. The payoff coefficient, which shows the efficiency of using low-pass filters, is calculated.
The graphs of the envelope voltage at the output of the ideal bandpass filter when exposed to the input of a rectangular pulse with different duration - the signal of the means of silent receiving of information.
The filtration process is simulated at different correlation coefficients. This confirmed the possibility of isolating the signal of the means of silent receiving of information by the method of determining the twodimensional density of the likelihood of interference signal against the background of the common signal.
The process of increasing the noise immunity of the system as a whole is investigated. It is proved that the use in the process of signal processing of narrow-banded filters of low frequency allows to increase the noise immunity of the system of detection and recognition of digital radio air signals by 23%.
Ключевые слова:
noise immunity
mathematical expectation
Данные для цитирования:
Laptiev О. ,
Shuklin G.,
Stefurak O. .
METHOD OF THE INCREASING THE DETECTION SYSTEM AND RECOGNITION OF DIGITAL RADIOSIGNALS (4-16). Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Технические науки. 2020/03/16;