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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2019/10/11
Название журнала: Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал, Выпуск:
49, Том: 3,
Страницы в выпуске: 72-78
Анотация: Vector-valued generalization of continuous frames in Banach spaces is considered in this paper. The concepts of ??̃-frame, ??̃-Riesz basis, Banach ??̃-frame and ??̃-atomic decomposition are introduced. Criteria for ??̃-frames, ??̃-Riesz bases, Banach ??̃-frames are found and the relationship between them is established. The stability of ??̃-frame and related (in some sense) ??̃-atomic decompositions, as well as Noetherian perturbations of ??̃-atomic decompositions are also studied.
Ключевые слова:
Данные для цитирования:
Ismailov M.I. ,
Jafarova S.I. ,
VECTOR-VALUED GENERALIZATION OF CONTINUOUS FRAMES AND THEIR NOETHERIAN PERTURBATIONS (72-78). Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал. Физико-математические науки. 2019/10/11;